martes, 5 de mayo de 2015

Actividades para trabajar los primeros trazos

Para que podáis trabajar desde casa la grafía y tener un primer contacto con la preescritura y prelectura, hemos encontrados estas ideas que esperamos les ayuden a coger soltura. 
sand tracing for early handwriting skills and sensory..could be easily remade and incorporate many skills. We also use salt. We call them by kristin.smallMake a salt handwriting tray from a wooden toy box - repinned by @PediaStaff – Please Visit for all our ped therapy, school & special ed pinsSpices Sensory Writing and Mark Making, Fine Motor Skills ActivityCute Idea. I'd include a picture of the child underneath the name. Then have folders of different words the children want to know how to spell, too.Great idea!Fine motor strengthening, letter recognition and spelling in one easy to make activity.Letter recognition

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